and I have just cut back the trees in the backyard this morning; we have
started clearing the ground for the veggie garden. A while ago we decided to
have an edible garden, not a show garden (not that it's beem much of a show
garden for quite some time!) I bought some veggie and herb seeds yesterday and
I am looking forward to planting them all over the next few days. The seeds I
planted last week are growing well and looking good! Tomorrow I am hoping to
buy my first fruit tree; maybe a Mango tree, not quite sure yet. I am also
thinking of an Apple tree of some sort - I may buy both.
saw so many bees buzzing around the Lantana bush today; they were so pretty to
watch. I love my garden and I love time in it! It seems to also be bringing Ant and I so much closer even though I didn't think that was possible. I thought we were as close as a couple could be; I love Mr. W so very much......
I always feel so close to God when I am in the garden! How about you - do you feel the same, or is it just me?
Anyhoo, I had better go and do some housework! What is happening in your backyard today?