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Monday, October 25, 2010

*~*~*Christmas is Coming!!*~*~*

I wrote out my Christmas list today so that is wonderful!♥Now I just need to get it all together; I am going to start tomorrow!! I love starting early it means there is no running around like a headless chook at the last moment!☺☺☺

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

*~*Our Kids Are So Precious!!*~*

Today my Joshua, fitted at the disabilities services meeting it was so sad; it broke my heart to watch him having no control over his bodies movements. However tonight when I tucked him in, he seemed happy and ready for another new day. 
Joshua is amazing the way he just plucks up the strength to just keep going in life. A Mama could never be so proud of her child, than I am of mine!

My precious Daughter rang me tonight she was so tired and yet she still found the time to ring us I love her so much she is an amazing beautiful young lady and I am so incredibly proud of her! Johanna and Timothy are so precious and we can only be so very grateful to God that they are ours!!!
Thank you Lord for my family!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

*~*~*Painting The Table*~*~*

The table is a journey in it's self! Hehehe!!
First Antony fixed it!

....................................and then the undercoat!
I'll be back with a photo of it painted white!

*~*~*Saturday with God's Blessing*~*~*

~*~*Jilly's Day*~*~*

Outside my window - Outside my kitchen window is a large pond with a beautiful water fall and lilies growing in the top pond! It's beautiful!

What am I thinking - How wonderful it is that after years of my Hubby not wanting to go to any church meeting without me he has gone to a men's breakfast and bible study today on his own! (my precious Hubby had a bad breakdown about 8 years ago) God is blessing him so much praise God!!

What am I thankful for - Everything that God has done for me and mine!!! I am grateful for my family and the fact that I will get to see most for them tonight at my Dad's Birthday Party!

What am I wearing  - My funky paint clothes!

I am going - To paint the little half round table my precious Hubby fixed for today! I have been looking forward to this for months!

I am reading – “Fascinating Women!!

From the kitchen - I am going to cook for my Dad's Birthday Party today on the list is a Apricot Bread & Butter Pudding, Chocolate Eclairs and a Lemon Meringue.
Around the house - I want to finish in mine and Ant's Room today all the little things!! I also want to start in the bathroom. Also I need to fold all our clean towels!

What can I hear - My chooks clucking it's so cute!
One of my favorite things - Embroidering my quilt!
A few plans for the rest of the week - To get my table finished and the frill sewn and to get the bathroom cleaned, paint the roses around the top of the walls, seal the grout in the shower/bath and finish off Mt. Washmore's nook!
Verse for the day - "I will keep in perfect peace who's mind is stayed on Me!"

My picture of the day - Ant sitting outside in the garden feeding one of our chooks it's a fun photo! 

Today Lord, please protect all  my loved ones and help us all to stay under the shade of your wings in Jesus Name I ask! amen! Thankyou Heavenly Father 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

*~*~*Cleaning and Baking~**~

baking.jpg baking image by rypequayejones

Today I am working in my kitchen I need to do some cleaning and then hopefully some baking!! 

My kitchen is my favorite room in the home, I guess because thats where I had my special talks with our daughter while she would sit on my bench top and tell me all her secrets and hopes and dreams. I am so happy that she found the love of her life in our precious Timothy and that they are so happily married God has really blessed us!!

But OH! I miss those day of talking in my kitchen and sharing all her dreams and hopes!
I even miss the tears and the cuddles and hugs we would share!!

Wow!! Now I can't wait to see her on Saturday night just to hug her and once again tell her that she is everything I wanted in a daughter!!! 
I love you my Beauty!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

*~*~*My Thoughts And Plans For The Day*~*~*

Animation-butterfly.gif Butterfly image by Christiangal04279

*~*~*Jilly's Day*~*~*

Outside my window – I see Eggery Pond and the fish swimming around it’s so pretty! I also see our new fence Thank you Lord!!

What am I thinking – How God has blessed me with a wonderful family! Thank you Lord!

What am I thankful for – My salvation, my precious Hubby, Our wonderful children! Our home! Family!

What am I wearing – Blue Jeans and a pretty blue top with lace worked into the fabric, Black lace up shoes and my hair pulled back into a pony tail, perfume and makeup!

I am going To the local Op Shop to drop some stuff off! Then shopping for some food for my family! To visit my Mum & Dad!

I am reading “Fascinating Women Hood”

I am hoping – For my home to be finished soon! For my family to walk with God and in His perfect will for them!

From the kitchen – I have already started tonight’s dinner Lamb Chops they are marinating in marinade and beer!

Around the house – Mt. Washmore is on and I have tidied some of the lounge that’s why I am off to the Op Shop!

What can I hear – Only the computer humming away and the occasionally kitty noise!

One of my favorite things – A lovely smelling home with bread baking and chocolate chip biscuits cooking! The sounds of my Hubby and Son talking and laughing! Answering the phone and hearing our Daughters voice on the other end!

A few plans for the rest of the week - Getting my home clean and tidy, finishing off our bedroom, getting ready for my precious Dad’s Birthday Party at the end of the week!

Verse for the day – Psalm 23

My picture of the day – Our Son and Daughter at our Daughter’s Wedding!


Today is the starting of a new working week. For me it is the first day of the week of working in my home! I praise God so much for my home and don't take it for granted as I know the miracle it took for us to build it. It was God working on our behalf all the way. My wonderful parents paid the $300.00 deposit and God did the rest! $300.00 doesn't sound like a lot however that was 20 years ago and to us it was a lot of money. :o)
It’s not a large home in fact we call it our cottage because it is so small! However, that was how we wanted it. We wanted to be able to fill every corner every nook with something that reminded us of our love for our family and our love for each other!
Our home has been a shelter from the storms, both natural and life’s journeys. A place where, we have made memories both good and bad; a place where we have been healed from hurts and a place where we have all become closer to God and each other!
 It has also been a place where our precious children have grown up! A place where our precious son-in-law has courted our daughter! It was such a blessing to see them fall in love. It has been a place where we have shared many meals with him getting to know him!
It has also been a place where God has taught Antony and I to trust Him and not to trust our bank account, God is so good!!! He has used our home for so many wonderful lessons in life!
So as I scrub the bathroom today, or as I scrub the kitchen. Or go through the stuff that my Mum and Dad gave us after their big move. I shall remember that it all started with a wonderful blessing from God!!
I do not clean and tidy my home begrudgingly. I do it know that I am so blessed to have it and that I have it because my wonderful Hubby worked hard for us to have it many times working two jobs so I could be at home for our children while they were small! Also remembering my parents gift of love and know just how much God loves us as a family!

I wish all that read this a wonderful day, getting to know your family and hopefully getting to know God that bit more!

*~*Painting Our Room*~*

I am so enjoying painting mine and Ant's room I haven't been able to do anything on it for awhile I have been busy! But now it's all go and I am loving it!!!
I will post pictures as I go! 

Friday, October 1, 2010

*~*~*It's Been Awhile*~*~*

Wow!! I haven't been here for awhile we have been helping my Mum and Dad move into a beautiful new apartment! It has been a great family time! 
I just praise God for my family they are so very special to me, and I love them heaps!!!
I hope to be here a little more now that all is settling down for us!